SKOPE’s engagement with DfE

Ewart Keep has been involved in events organised by the No.10 Policy Unit and the Resolution Foundation to explore current government plans for T levels and apprenticeships.  Keep is engaged in on-going discussions with the Department for Education (DfE) and No.10 on...

Keep appointed to the Skills Board of the Oxfordshire LEP

Ewart Keep has been appointed to the Skills Board of the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership.  This follows his involvement in the work of two Greater London Authority (GLA) task-and-finish groups that were set up to help support the development of a skills...

New blog post by Prof Ewart Keep

Ewart Keep has posted a new blog on the ongoing apprenticeship reforms in England.  In it, he explores a number of issues that are liable to prove critical to the success of the reform process, and reflects on the potential reaction of employers to the changes that...