Associate Professor Shelley Gillis
Associate Professor Shelley Gillis is Assistant Dean (Graduate Research) and Co-Director of the Centre for Vocational and Educational Policy, Melbourne Graduate School of Education.
Shelley is a leading expert in competency assessment, psychometric testing, large scale assessment design and analysis, as well as standards development.
She has provided advice to national and international agencies on educational assessment and measurement, competency and performance assessment, standards referenced frameworks, qualification frameworks and quality assurance frameworks within educational settings.
She has led numerous high-profile national studies examining quality related issues in vocational education and training and has made major contributions to the development of evidence-based government policy in Australia.
Shelley is currently working on or has recently completed research and consultancy projects with NSW Board of Vocational Education and Training, Board of Studies NSW, NSW Skills Board, NSW Business Council, NSW Department of Education and Communities, Victorian Department of Education and Training, NCVER and the Malaysian Ministry of Education, providing over 60 research reports for governments and non-government organisations.
Her research interests include competence assessment, standard referenced frameworks, qualification frameworks and quality assurance.