Hubert started his current role as Vice President and Director of Research at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in September 2017. He is also Professor of Vocational Education Research at the University of Paderborn.
Before moving to Bonn, Hubert worked as Associate Professor of Higher Education at the Department of Education, University of Oxford (2004 – 2017). During his time at Oxford, he was Convenor of the Department’s MSc in Higher Education and held a number of Departmental positions, including that of Director of MSc Education (2016 – 2017) and Head of the Exam Board for the Postgraduate Diploma in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (2013 – 2017).
At University level he served as Junior Proctor (2014-2015) and was member of the University Council and a number of University Committees during that year.
In 2010 he became Senior Research Fellow of SKOPE (Centre on Skills, Knowledge and Organizational Performance, University of Oxford).
Hubert’s career includes vocational training in the German dual system and work experience in the automotive industry. He studied business education and economics at the Ludwigs-Maximilian-University in Munich where he conducted his doctoral research on European Union policies in the area of vocational education. After periods as lecturer and researcher at the Universities in Munich and Paderborn, he moved to Oxford.
At the BIBB he is working on issues concerning permeability between vocational and higher education, comparative research and international collaboration in vocational education, as well as challenges for vocational education and training arising from the process of digitalisation.
- Research in Comparative and International Education (editor)
- Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik (co-editor)
- Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training (associate editor)
- Oxford Review of Education (member of the international advisory board).
- Honorary Research Fellow of the Department of Education, University of Oxford (2019 – 2021)
- Governing Body Fellow of Linacre College, Oxford (2004 – 2017)
- Visiting Professor, Nanjing Tech University, China (2015)
- Visiting Research Fellow, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2015)
- Ertl, H., Hayward, G., Katartzi, E. (2019): Transitions from vocational to higher education: policy context and practice in England, in: Hemkes, B., Wilbers, Heister, M. (eds.): Durchlässigkeit zwischen beruflicher und hochschulischer Bildung, 531-551.
- Ertl, H. (2019): Vereinigtes Königreich: Formate beruflich-akademischer Verzahnung, in: Euler, D.; Meyer-Guckel, V.; Severing, E. (eds): Neue Wege für Studium und Berufsbildung. Studienintegrierende Ausbildung (Essen: Stifterverband), 43-51.
- Mertova, P., Ertl, H., Zierer, K. (2019): Education journals: A comparison of publishing patterns in Australian, German and English education journals, in: Research in Comparative and International Education, Vol. 14, No. 2, 215-230.
- Ertl, H. (2018): Plagiarism in doctoral theses as ‘occupational risk” of government ministers? The debate on good academic practice in German doctoral education in the light of high-profile plagiarism cases, in: Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 44, No. 5, 616-632.
- Ertl, H. & Eeva, K. (2018): Research on Higher Education and Europeanization, in: Teixeira, P. & Shin, J. (eds.), Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions (Dorderecht: Springer).
- Ertl, H. & Oancea, A: (2016): ‘What contributions does the European Union make to research in the UK higher education sector?’, in: Research Intelligence, Vol. 131, Autumn 2015, 15-17.
- Ertl, H. (2016): ‘Die Erziehungswissenschaft im Vereinigten Königreich: Die erziehungswissenschaftliche Forschungslandschaft im Spiegel der Forschungsevaluation’, in: Erziehungswissenschaft, Vol. 52, No. 27, 25-39.
- Ertl, Hubert (2016): ‘Die Erziehungswissenschaft im Vereinigten Königreich: Die erziehungswissenschaftliche Forschungslandschaft im Spiegel der Forschungsevaluation’, in: Erziehungswissenschaft, Vol. 52, No. 27, 25-39.
- Ertl, Hubert, Zierer, Klaus, Phillips, David, Tippelt, Rudolf (2015): ‘Disciplinary traditions and the dissemination of knowledge. An international comparison of publication patterns in journals of education’, in: Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 41, No. 1, 64-88.
- Ertl, Hubert (2015): ‘Partnership-based initial teacher education in England: a discussion of the Oxford Internship Scheme in the light of past and current reform agendas’, in: Kuhlee, D., v.Buer, J., Winch, C. (eds.): Governance in Initial Teacher Education: Perspectives on England and Germany (Wiesbaden: Springer VS), 61-79.