Matthew Dixon is a Skills Policy Researcher and Consultant specializing in the labour markets for engineering and information technology (IT) skills. He has served in senior positions both in the United Kingdom and internationally, spanning the public policy, research, development, technology transfer, training, and enterprise-support areas. After earning an engineering science degree at Southampton and a PhD in control and systems engineering at Cambridge, Dr. Dixon spent eight years at an international policy research institute, finishing as Scientific Secretary. On returning to the United Kingdom, he worked as Business Development Manager for the knowledge management systems stream of technology transfer business at the National Computing Centre. He was then appointed Chief Executive of the National Association of IT Centres, representing the national interests of over 100 IT technician training centres.
Most recently he has worked for the UK Sector Skills Council for Science, Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies (Semta) and remains an Honorary Fellow at the Centre on Skills, Knowledge and Organizational Performance (SKOPE) at Oxford.