Professor Ewart Keep

Emeritus Professor

Ewart Keep is based at the Department of Education, Oxford University.

His research interests include: lifelong learning policy, learning organisations, training for low paid workers, the design and management of education and training systems, employers’ attitudes towards skills and what shape these, recruitment and selection activity, how governments formulate skills policy, higher education policy and the nature of the linkages between skills and performance (broadly defined).

He is currently working on the role of recruitment and selection as a source of skills and the feedback signals that employers’ patterns of recruitment send to the learner; future research priorities in the field of E&T, and how English policy makers conceive of skills policy and its linkages to other policy domains. He is a member of the Scottish Funding Council/Skills Development Scotland joint Skills Committee, HEFCE’s Strategic Advisory Committee for Enterprise and Skills, the UK Commission for Employment and Skills’ Policy Expert Group, and the Scottish Government’s Skill Utilisation Leadership Group. He has provided advice and consultancy for the National Skills Task Force, DfES, DTI, DBIS, H M Treasury, the Cabinet Office, House of Commons and Scottish Parliament committees, the Welsh Employment and Skills Board, Skills Australia, and the governments of Queensland, New South Wales and New Zealand.

Ewart can be contacted at, Office: 01865 274045, Home: 01684 561484.