Climate Change Education Futures in India

Climate Change Education Futures in India

This project, conducted in conjunction with IISER Pune, seeks to improve climate change education in India and beyond by exploring the impacts of the TROP ICSU (Trans-disciplinary Research Oriented Pedagogy for Improving Climate Studies and Understanding) intervention, asking: How do teachers mobilise new knowledge about climate change after completing an online climate change programme? What barriers do teachers face in their implementation of CCE? How do these teachers conceptualise the ways in which students’ future work and employment might engage with climate change?

Project duration: November 2020 – July 2021

Research team: Steve Puttick (PI), James Robson (co-I), Rahul Chopra (co-I), Tina Fawcett (co-I), Radhika Khosla (co-I), L. S. Shashidhara (co-I), Isobel Talks.

Funder: The project is funded by GCRF.

Our research

E&T for the Climate

Social and Epistemic Justice


Political Skills Economy

Tertiary E&T Landscapes