
Our research programme has been developed to formulate a ‘better set of questions’, re-framing policy problems within a wider context of building back better.

We will achieve this through maintaining and extending our tradition for comparative research in the UK and internationally. We regard this as essential to any meaningful analysis.

Our focus is in four main areas: Sustainability through our ‘E&T for the Climate’ theme; issues of ‘Social and Epistemic Justice’ across a range of skills, education and research systems; the ‘Political Skills Economy’ and debates around employability and outcomes; and ‘Tertiary E&T Landscapes’ across a wide range of global contexts.

E&T for the climate

This research theme explores how skills formation systems need to adapt due to the impact of climate change

Social & epistemic justice

This research theme examines justice and equality across global E&T systems


Political skills economy

This research theme unpacks the relationship between skills formation and broader international political economies

Tertiary E&T landscapes

This research theme explores the intersection of policy and practice in tertiary systems and the blurred boundaries between TVET and HE

For a list and more information on a selection of our previous research projects, please click here

Our team

Dr James Robson

Dr James Robson

Job title - Director

Dr Xin Xu

Dr Xin Xu

Job title - Deputy Director and Departmental Lecturer in Higher/Tertiary Education

Professor Ewart Keep

Professor Ewart Keep

Job title - Emeritus Professor

Éireann Attridge

Éireann Attridge

Job title - Research Assistant