E&T for the climate

With funding for the John Fell Fund, we have established an interdisciplinary Education and Training Hub, aimed at bringing together a network of researchers in this area. This will map the emerging field and establish a shared research agenda.
Climate Change Education Futures in India
This project, conducted in conjunction with IISER Pune, seeks to improve climate change education in India and beyond by exploring the impacts of the TROP ICSU (Trans-disciplinary Research Oriented Pedagogy for Improving Climate Studies and Understanding) intervention.
Green Skills and the Construction Sector: Building Back Better?
This project considers “What counts as green jobs in the Construction Industry?” and will identify green job skills pathways across the construction sector in England. It is conducted in conjunction with The Edge Foundation and The Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford.
For a list and more information on a selection of our previous research projects, please click here
Our research

E&T for the Climate

Social and Epistemic Justice

Political Skills Economy